Serving women and men in need in Grant County.

Pregnant at 16

"I was 16, having terrible morning sickness. It was so difficult to keep food down and I slept quite a lot. I felt these signs were more than enough to tell me that I should take a pregnancy test. So, on an early Monday morning I took a pregnancy test hoping for a negative, it was positive. Countless thoughts ran through my mind. 'What will I do?' 'I don't think I can have it,' 'What will my family say or think?', 'I will probably be kicked out!', 'I am such a disappointment,' and so much more. I had no one to talk to at the time other than my boyfriend but even then, I felt so lonely. When I finally told my boyfriend that I was pregnant he told me he'd be there for me and our baby every step of the way, he was supportive. He encouraged me to tell my sisters and mom about everything, but I wasn't quite ready. I felt that I needed to be sure of my pregnancy, like, is this really happening. I searched online looking for somewhere that I could confirm my pregnancy. That is when I came across the Crossroads Resource Center. I read up on their page and felt this was the right place for me to go. I immediately called and scheduled an appointment. When I first arrived, there were such kind women all around. Once I finally spoke with them, they were very nice, helpful, and so reassuring. They explained everything to me so well. I was even able to get an ultrasound, it was the best experience ever, being able to see my tiny little baby was so unreal yet so incredible. I knew then that I truly wanted my baby. This same day I met the Primary Steps Director; she is the absolute sweetest person ever. She actually helped me through quite a lot. I entered a parenting course they offered which had so much helpful information that I now know because of it. Any questions, doubts, or even just thoughts I knew I could talk to her. A few days after going to Crossroads I finally told my sisters. They were actually very supportive of me and were there for me for whatever I needed. After telling them I wondered what I was so afraid of. About a month or two after telling my sisters that I was pregnant I decided that I was ready to finally tell my mom. My sisters were all there to show support for me when I told my mom. It was difficult telling her, but I did it. She was angry for the first 20 minutes of me telling her or so but by the end she was there for me, she hugged me, and comforted me. I felt such a huge relief like something had just lifted off my shoulders. I now had all the support I wanted and needed. I went back to Crossroads throughout my pregnancy which was great because I had someone to talk to for just about anything. After completing the courses I accumulated points which all gathered up to help me get things that my baby would need for when she arrived and that was very helpful. Even now after having my beautiful baby girl Crossroads Resource Center has been extremely helpful and kind. I am so thankful to the Primary Steps Director for all the help she's given me through everything. I am also so thankful to Crossroads Resource Center for everything they have done for my baby and I."

~Teen Mom



Need help? Have a question? We're here to help.

Moses Lake, WA

Moses Lake, WA

Call | 509-765-4425

Hours of Operation:

  • Monday11:00am - 4:00pm
  • Tuesday11:00am - 4:00pm
  • Wednesday11:00am - 4:00pm
  • Thursday11:00am - 4:00pm
  • FridayClosed

Ephrata, WA

Ephrata, WA

Call | 509-754-4357

Hours of Operation:

  • Monday11:00am - 4:00pm
  • Wednesday11:00am - 4:00pm

We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.