Guest Speaker: Carol Everett
Carol Everett's life has been entrenched in women's reproductive health choices. Her unplanned pregnancy at 16, six years of selling abortions to other women to justify her own, thirty-five thousand abortions, the death of one woman and major surgery on 19 abortion patients brought Carol to a crossroads. She experienced a life-altering change when she came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ in 1983. Since then, she has been a fierce advocate for the life affirming movement, working to make this nation safe for unborn babies and their mothers.
Carol believes a three-point plan can reduce abortion until ended:
- Defund abortion providers of tax dollars (accomplished in Texas in 2011)
- Require abortion facilities to meet the safety standards of Ambulatory Surgical Centers
- Create a Network of life-affirming health care providers across Texas (in process)
Carol is convinced pregnancy resource centers are the largest mission field in this nation and the world. Pregnancy resource centers are the front line of defense for a woman in an unplanned pregnancy, offering the choice of life physically for the baby and sharing Christ for eternal life for the mother and family. One of Carol's goals is to cover Texas with a "safety net of life", founding pregnancy centers in unserved counties.
With the overturn of Roe v Wade, Carol understands the abortion industry will not stop selling death though "chemical coat hangers". Women and the public deserve the truth. Carol is committed to being a voice for truth to save lives and for providing options for health care for women.
Carol's efforts have given her a platform to serve the unborn and those in pain from a previous abortion through her testimony at life affirming events and on national broadcasting programs with Mike Huckabee of Fox News, Matt and Laurie Crouch of Trinity Broadcasting Network, Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, Point of View, Truths that Transform and Pat Robertson of the 700 Club to name a f ew.
Carol's metamorphosis from hardened pro-choicer to a loving pro-life advocate is detailed in the book, Blood Money - Getting Rich off a Woman's Right to Choose. The ministry has also released two videos, "The Light of Life" and Abortion Techniques".
Carol loves speaking to people and audiences who are interested in engaging in the defense of life of the unborn.